

“Faith assaulted”

The other day on a talk show a man's faith was mocked by one of the commentators on the show. Normally this would not have made the news, however this did because the man is the Vice President of the United States of America. I do not know Mr. Pence anymore than to say I can put a picture with the name. I know he has professed a faith in Jesus Christ and that is certainly wonderful to hear for one who has named the name of Christ. Besides these things, I do not know where Mr. Pence worships and who he worships with. It is said of Mr. Pence by some who used to work in the White House that he speaks to Jesus and Jesus says things to him. Upon stating this on the talk show the other day one commentator claimed it is mental illness when Jesus talks to you. I have a question to pose to that argument, or statement. What is it when I read the word of God and hear His commands? When one is a dilligent reader of the word of God it feels as though God, or His Son, are talking to us. I realize that the Son of God does not walk physically among us today, but His words are given to us and the revealed will of the Father in heaven in given to us in what we call the Bible. This word speaks God's commands to us today and we are to hear them as though they are spoken to us. What I would tell this commentator is that if one "hears the word of God" that is not mental illness. One who openly mocks faith in God is the one who has mental illness. It is shameful that television programming is where it is today. May God give us the strength and wisdom to discern what to use as entertainment and help us as we strive to shine our light to those of the world.